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Table of Contents for Interpretation Services Documentation

Interpretation Policy: 100% Satisfying and Ultimate Guide

Welcome to Trabic’s comprehensive guide on our Interpretation Policy. At Trabic, we prioritize clear communication and seamless interpretation services for our diverse clientele through our detailed Interpretation Policy.

What is an Interpretation Policy?

An Interpretation Policy outlines the guidelines and standards for providing interpretation services. This ensures that all parties involved have a clear understanding of the process, expectations, and quality standards as set by our Interpretation Policy.

Our Interpretation Policy includes various aspects such as

  • Types of interpretation services offered as per our Interpretation Policy
  • Standards for interpreters detailed in the Interpretation Policy
  • Confidentiality agreements in the Interpretation Policy
  • Client and interpreter responsibilities according to the Interpretation Policy
rear-view-of-businessman-signing-contract-while (Interpretation Policy)

Types of Interpretation Services and Cost Guidance

Seminar and Conference Interpretation Types

  • Simultaneous Interpretation: Ideal for large conferences or events where information needs to be relayed in real-time to the audience as outlined in our Interpretation Policy.
  • Consecutive Interpretation: Best suited for smaller meetings, press conferences, or legal settings where the interpreter translates after the speaker has finished speaking, following our Interpretation Policy.

Other Specialized Interpretation Services

  • Whispering Interpretation (Chuchotage): A form of simultaneous interpretation for one or two people sitting close to the interpreter, as specified in our Interpretation Policy.
  • Business Interpretation: For business meetings, negotiations, or any corporate environment requiring professional bilingual communication in line with our Interpretation Policy.
  • Telephone Interpretation: For situations where the parties are not in the same location and need immediate or scheduled interpretation over the phone, as detailed in our Interpretation Policy.
  • Tourist Interpretation: Tailored for travelers needing assistance with language during tours, visits, or other travel-related scenarios, as described in our Interpretation Policy.
  • Video Interpretation: Provides a visual component, useful for remote interpretation when body language is also a key part of the message, following our Interpretation Policy.
  • Medical Interpretation: Critical for healthcare settings to ensure accurate communication between healthcare providers and patients, adhering to our Interpretation Policy.

Custom Consultation for Interpretation Services​

To determine the most appropriate service type for your needs and receive a tailored cost estimate, we offer custom consultations. We’ll consider the specifics of your event, the audience, and any unique requirements you may have, as guided by our Interpretation Policy.


Recommendations for Simultaneous Interpretation Personnel

For simultaneous interpretation services, we recommend at least two interpreters to alternate due to the demanding nature of the task. This ensures a high-quality and uninterrupted service, as advised in our Interpretation Policy.

Cost Considerations​

The cost for each interpretation service varies depending on the event’s size, duration, complexity, and specific language pairs required. We provide customized quotes after a detailed consultation, ensuring that we account for all variables and offer a competitive and fair price, as outlined in our Interpretation Policy. By offering a broad range of interpretation services, we are equipped to handle the linguistic needs of any event, ensuring effective and professional communication across all languages and settings.

Overview Of Interpretation Services

Our interpretation services are tailored to meet the diverse needs of various events, ensuring effective communication across languages. This overview provides detailed information on key aspects of our services, including preparation, execution, and additional considerations to accommodate your specific event requirements.

Interpretation Time​

Inclusive of All Event Durations: Interpretation time covers the entire duration of the event, including any speeches, presentations, and audience engagement sessions. It excludes a standard one-hour lunch break unless interpretation during lunch is requested, following our Interpretation Policy.



Pre-Event Rehearsal: For events requiring simultaneous interpretation, a pre-event rehearsal is often necessary. This rehearsal is counted towards the total interpretation time if conducted on the event day. For rehearsals on days other than the event, standard rates apply, as per our Interpretation Policy.

Cancellation Fee​

Structured Fee System: Cancellation fees are applied based on the notice period before the event: 30% for cancellations made 4-7 days in advance, 40% for 2-3 days in advance, 50% for the day before, and 100% for same-day cancellations, as stated in our Interpretation Policy.

Number of Interpreters

Team Composition: For simultaneous interpretation, a minimum of two interpreters is required to ensure quality and consistency, considering the demanding nature of the work. The number may increase based on the complexity and duration of the event, as outlined in our Interpretation Policy.

Pre-Meeting Fee

Charges for Pre-Event Consultations: Meetings with interpreters prior to the event day are charged at a fixed rate per hour, per interpreter. This fee covers the time spent reviewing event materials and discussing specifics to ensure accurate interpretation, in line with our Interpretation Policy.

Organizational Fee

Additional Charges for Last-Minute Requests: Events organized under tight deadlines or requiring significant logistical adjustments may incur an organizational fee. This fee, calculated as a percentage of the total interpretation cost, compensates for the additional effort required to meet the client’s needs, as stated in our Interpretation Policy.

Night Interpretation

After-Hours Service: Interpretation services provided outside of regular hours (10 PM to 6 AM) are subject to an additional fee. This recognizes the extra effort and challenges of working during these times, as per our Interpretation Policy.

Recording and Broadcasting

Consent and Additional Fees: Recording or broadcasting the interpreted content is permissible only with prior agreement. Additional charges apply: 50% of the interpretation fee for internal use recordings, and 100% for recordings intended for external distribution or broadcast. This policy ensures fair compensation for interpreters whose work is used beyond the live event context, as outlined in our Interpretation Policy.


This comprehensive overview of our interpretation services highlights the critical elements that clients need to consider when planning and organizing an event with language support needs. Our goal is to provide transparent, high-quality services that meet your event’s unique requirements, ensuring seamless communication for all participants, as guided by our Interpretation Policy.

Detailed Guidelines on Recording and Broadcasting

For Internal Use and External Publication

Consent Required: Recording or broadcasting the interpreted content for any purpose requires prior agreement with the interpreters involved. This agreement will outline the terms of use and any additional fees.

Additional Fees:

  • Internal Archiving: For recordings intended for internal use or archiving, an additional fee of 50% of the total interpretation cost will be applied. This fee compensates interpreters for the extended use of their work.
  • External Publication or Broadcast: When interpreted content is to be shared publicly or broadcasted, an additional fee of 100% of the interpretation service cost is charged. This acknowledges the broader audience reach and potential impact on the interpreter’s work.

Online Video Conference Interpretation

  • Application of Standard Fees: The same additional fees for recording and broadcasting apply to online or virtual events. Whether the interpreted content is stored for internal reference or shared publicly, prior agreement and appropriate fees are required.
  • Public Access Considerations: If the interpreted content is accessible to an unspecified, public audience through a link or is to be used as subtitles, it is considered a broadcast. Thus, the corresponding fee of 100% of the interpretation service cost will be incurred.

This comprehensive overview of our interpretation services highlights the critical elements that clients need to consider when planning and organizing an event with language support needs. Our goal is to provide transparent, high-quality services that meet your event’s unique requirements, ensuring seamless communication for all participants.

Travel Expenses for Interpretation Assignments

Domestic Travel

For events outside the interpreter’s local area but within the same country, travel expenses include:

  • Travel Time Compensation: Interpreters are compensated for the time spent traveling to and from the event location. The standard compensation rate is 400,000 KRW for a full day of travel.
  • Daily Allowance: A daily allowance of 200,000 KRW is provided for each day the interpreter is away from their home base for the event.
  • Accommodation and Meals: The hosting party is responsible for arranging and covering the cost of accommodations and meals for the interpreter. High-quality, safe lodging is expected to ensure the interpreter’s comfort and readiness.
  • Transportation Costs: Costs associated with travel to the event location, including airfare or train tickets, are covered by the host. The most efficient and practical mode of transport is selected, favoring flights for longer distances.

Overseas Travel

For international events, the following additional considerations apply:

  • Extended Travel Compensation: Recognizing the longer durations and complexities of international travel, compensation rates are adjusted accordingly. A daily rate of 500,000 KRW applies, with potential adjustments based on the total travel time and the specifics of the assignment.
  • Rest Days: For flights exceeding 8 hours, interpreters are allotted rest days before the event starts to ensure they are well-rested and prepared. The number of rest days may increase with longer flight durations.
  • Comprehensive Travel Coverage: The hosting party covers round-trip airfare, local transportation in the destination country, accommodations, and a per diem for meals and incidental expenses. Accommodations should be of high quality, ensuring the interpreter’s comfort and security.

Additional Policies

  • Transportation Standards: For both domestic and international travel, the choice of transportation, including airline class and type of ground transportation, should be agreed upon in advance. The goal is to ensure the interpreter’s safety and comfort while being mindful of budget considerations.
  • Advance Planning: To secure the best rates and ensure availability, it’s recommended that travel arrangements be made well in advance of the event. Last-minute bookings can lead to higher costs and less optimal travel schedules.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

To maintain fairness for both clients and interpreters, we have established clear guidelines for cancellations and refunds. These policies are designed to compensate interpreters for their reserved time while providing flexibility for clients as circumstances change.

Cancellation Compensation Rules

Notification Period: Our cancellation fee structure is based on the amount of notice given prior to the event:

  • 4-5 Days in Advance: A cancellation fee of 20% of the total service cost will be charged.
  • 2-3 Days in Advance: A fee of 30% will be applied.
  • Day Before the Event: The fee increases to between 30% and 50%.
  • Same-Day Cancellation: If cancellation occurs on the day of the event, a fee of 50% to 100% will be charged, depending on the time of cancellation.

These fees compensate interpreters for their time and the opportunity cost of declining other potential assignments.

Interpretation Fee Refund Policy

Interpreter No-show: If an interpreter fails to arrive at the designated location without a valid reason or prior notice, a full 100% refund will be issued to the client.

Significant Delays: In cases where the interpreter is more than one hour late without a valid reason or prior notice, resulting in an inability to perform their duties, a full refund will also be issued.

Unfulfilled Services: Should there be an inability to deliver the contracted services due to issues attributable to the interpreter, a full refund or pro-rated refund, depending on the services rendered, will be provided.

Other Issues: If the event cannot proceed smoothly due to reasons not related to the interpreter’s performance (e.g., technical difficulties, client-side issues), refunds will typically not be available.

Please note that these policies apply to standard weekdays; special terms may apply to weekends or public holidays, which can be discussed during the booking process. It is advisable for clients to carefully consider the likelihood of changes or cancellations before confirming their booking and to communicate any potential changes at the earliest opportunity. This policy ensures a fair and transparent process for all parties involved.


At Trabic, our Interpretation Policy is designed to ensure that our clients receive the highest quality interpretation services. We are committed to upholding the highest standards of professionalism, confidentiality, and accuracy in all our interpretation assignments.

For service inquiries or to get a quote, please visit our Get a Quote page.

External Resources

For further reading and resources on interpretation services, you can visit the following websites

Interpretation Services Policy Q&A

We offer simultaneous interpretation for real-time communication during large conferences and consecutive interpretation for smaller meetings or legal settings where the interpreter translates after the speaker finishes.

Simultaneous interpretation is ideal for large conferences or events where information needs to be relayed in real-time to the audience.

Consecutive interpretation is best suited for smaller meetings, press conferences, or legal settings where the interpreter translates after the speaker has finished speaking.

Whispering interpretation is a form of simultaneous interpretation for one or two people sitting close to the interpreter, providing real-time translation in a low voice.

Yes, we provide business interpretation for meetings, negotiations, or any corporate environment requiring professional bilingual communication.

Telephone interpretation is used when parties are not in the same location and need immediate or scheduled interpretation over the phone.

Video interpretation includes a visual component, making it useful for remote interpretation where body language is an important part of the message.

Medical interpretation is crucial in healthcare settings to ensure accurate communication between healthcare providers and patients, often requiring specialized knowledge of medical terminology.

We offer custom consultations to determine the best service type for your event. This includes considering the event specifics, audience, and unique requirements to provide a tailored cost estimate.

Costs vary based on the event’s size, duration, complexity, and specific language pairs required. We provide customized quotes after a detailed consultation to offer a competitive and fair price.