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Notary Public certification

Notary Public certification is divided into two main types: notarial deeds and private document certification in Republic of Korea

A notarial deed is a document prepared by a notary public at the request of the parties involved or other interested individuals, concerning legal acts or facts about private rights. It encompasses documents such as promissory notes or loan contract notarial deeds, which are considered as official documents and hence can serve as strong evidence in both civil and criminal litigation. Notarial deeds that possess executory force enable creditors to initiate enforcement actions directly without a court judgment, based on the debtor’s consent to enforcement included within the deed.

Private document certification involves the notary public confirming that the signature or seal on a private document has been affixed by the document’s creator. This process essentially certifies the authenticity of the document, enhancing its reliability and serving as potential evidence in legal disputes. However, private document certifications do not carry executory force.


The following examples illustrate the forms that notarial deeds may take:

Notary Deeds

Promissory Note Notarial Deed

Used in financial transactions to notarize a debtor's payment promise.

Real Estate, Building, or Movable Property Delivery Contract Notarial Deed:

Pertains to the delivery of real estate or movable property and possesses executory force.

Loan Contract Notarial Deed

Certifies loan agreements and includes the debtor's consent to enforcement, thereby granting it executory force.

These notary deeds are capable of being enforced and hold substantial evidentiary weight. As execution titles, they provide creditors with the right to demand enforcement without a court judgment.

Certification of private documents

This certification process is designed to validate the accuracy of a document translated from one language to another. It involves the translator making a sworn statement that the translation is accurate and faithful to the original text. The translator must demonstrate their language proficiency through various means, such as presenting a professional translator’s license, passing recognized translation tests, possessing relevant academic degrees, or providing proof of sufficient language proficiency scores from standardized tests. A requester, who is not the translator but has commissioned the translation, can also initiate the certification process, provided they submit documentation proving the translator’s qualifications.

This certification confirms that a copy of a private document, such as a private school diploma or a certificate of award, is an accurate and true copy of the original. It is important to note that public documents, like a national ID card, are not eligible for copy certification.

This form of certification enhances the credibility of a private document by having the requester swear in front of the notary public that the contents of the document are truthful. The act of swearing aims to address the limitation that certification typically only verifies the authenticity of the signature or seal, not the truthfulness of the document’s content. The sworn statement is handwritten by the requester, promising that the document’s content is true under penalty of fines for perjury. This process cannot be delegated to another party.

This form of certification enhances the credibility of a private document by having the requester swear in front of the notary public that the contents of the document are truthful. The act of swearing aims to address the limitation that certification typically only verifies the authenticity of the signature or seal, not the truthfulness of the document’s content. The sworn statement is handwritten by the requester, promising that the document’s content is true under penalty of fines for perjury. This process cannot be delegated to another party.

Trabic’s notary public certification services stand out due to our extensive experience and commitment to accuracy and professionalism. We ensure that your documents meet all legal standards and are recognized for their authenticity and reliability.

Trabic offers comprehensive support from the initial consultation to the final certification of your documents. Our team is dedicated to ensuring your satisfaction with every aspect of our service. We also provide competitive pricing without compromising on quality, making our services accessible to individuals and businesses alike.
Expand your knowledge on Korean notary public certification with these valuable resources:
These resources will help you understand the key aspects of notary public certification and the legal framework surrounding it in Korea.

A Comprehensive Q&A Guide - Notary Public certification

Notarial deed certification is the process by which a notary public documents legal acts or facts concerning private rights at the request of the parties involved.

Private document certification is required when it’s necessary to prove that the signature or seal on a personal document was indeed made by the document’s creator.

Notarial deeds formally certify legal actions, while private document certification verifies the authenticity of signatures or seals on personal documents.

To receive notarial deed certification, parties or related individuals must request the notary to document a legal act or fact, fulfilling related legal criteria.

In the process of private document certification, the requester signs or seals the document in front of a notary public, who then verifies this act and issues a certificate.

A notarial deed having executory force means it can be used to initiate enforcement actions directly without needing a court judgment.

The requirements for private document certification vary depending on the type of certification. For detailed information, please refer to our private document certification page.

The fees can vary based on the contract amount or the type of certification, so please contact our office for specific information.