Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
< Trabic> (“trabic.kr”, hereinafter “Trabic”) establishes and discloses this privacy policy to protect the personal information of data subjects and to handle related complaints quickly and smoothly, in accordance with Article 30 of the Personal Information Protection Act.
○ This privacy policy applies from April 1, 2021.
1. Purpose of Processing Personal Information
Membership Registration and Management
Personal information is processed for the purposes of confirming the intent to register for membership, providing member services, verifying identity, maintaining and managing membership status, preventing fraudulent use of services, confirming the consent of legal guardians when processing personal information of children under the age of 14, notifying or communicating with members, and handling complaints.
Handling Civil Affairs
- Personal information is processed for the purposes of confirming the identity of civil petitioners, verifying the details of civil complaints, contacting or notifying for fact-checking, and delivering results.
Provision of Goods or Services
- Personal information is processed for the purposes of delivering goods, providing services, sending contracts and invoices, providing content, providing customized services, verifying identity, age verification, processing payments, and settling debts.
Marketing and Advertising
- Personal information is processed for the purposes of developing new services (products), providing customized services, offering event and promotional opportunities, providing services and advertising based on demographic characteristics, confirming service effectiveness, analyzing access frequency, and generating statistics on service usage.
2. Processing and Retention Period of Personal Information
① <Trabic> processes and retains personal information within the personal information retention and use period agreed upon when collecting personal information or as required by law.
② The retention period for each type of personal information is as follows:
- Service Application and Management: Information related to translation, apostille, consular certification, and embassy certification inquiries and contracts will be retained for up to 1 year after contract completion. However, if any debt or credit relationship remains, the information will be retained until the relationship is settled.
- Records of contracts, cancellation of orders, payment, and supply of goods in e-commerce: 2 years.
- Translator registration and management: Until the termination of the service agreement or within one month of a personal data deletion request. However, if any debt or credit relationship remains, the information will be retained until the relationship is settled.
3. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
① <Trabic> does not provide personal information to third parties without the consent of the data subject or unless required by specific legal provisions, such as Articles 17 and 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act.
4. Outsourcing of Personal Information Processing
① <Trabic> does not outsource personal information processing to third parties without the consent of the data subject.
5. Rights of Data Subjects and Legal Representatives, and How to Exercise Them
① Data subjects can exercise their rights to request access, correction, deletion, or suspension of processing of their personal information at any time.
② Rights under Paragraph 1 can be exercised via written documents, email, or fax in accordance with Article 41, Paragraph 1 of the Enforcement Decree of the Personal Information Protection Act, and Trabic will promptly take action.
③ The rights under Paragraph 1 can also be exercised through a legal representative or an authorized agent. In this case, a power of attorney as per the form attached to the “Guidelines for Personal Information Processing Methods (No. 2020-7)” must be submitted.
④ Requests for access to personal information or suspension of processing may be restricted under Articles 35, Paragraph 4 and 37, Paragraph 2 of the Personal Information Protection Act.
⑤ Requests for correction and deletion cannot be made if other laws specify that the personal information must be collected.
⑥ Trabic verifies whether the requester is the data subject or a legitimate representative when requests for access, correction, deletion, or suspension are made.
6. Items of Personal Information Processed
① <Trabic> processes the following personal information:
- Membership Registration and Management: Email, mobile phone number, home address, gender, date of birth, name, company phone number, position, department, company name, job, education, resident registration number, credit card information, bank account information, service usage records, access logs, cookies, IP address, payment records.
- Handling Civil Affairs: Email, mobile phone number, home address, name, company phone number, company name, education, service usage records, access logs, cookies, IP address, payment records.
- Provision of Goods or Services: Email, mobile phone number, home address, home phone number, date of birth, name, company phone number, position, department, company name, job, education, service usage records, access logs, cookies, IP address, payment records.
- Marketing and Advertising: Email, mobile phone number, home address, gender, date of birth, name, company phone number, job, service usage records, access logs, cookies, IP address, payment records.
7. Destruction of Personal Information
① <Trabic> will promptly destroy personal information when the retention period has expired or the purpose of processing has been achieved.
② If personal information must continue to be retained despite the expiration of the retention period or achievement of the processing purpose, it will be moved to a separate database or stored in a different location.
- Items retained: Account information, transaction date.
③ The procedure and method of destruction are as follows:
- Destruction Procedure: <Trabic> selects personal information for destruction and destroys it with the approval of the person responsible for personal information protection.
- Destruction Method: Electronic files are destroyed using technical methods that prevent the recovery of records. Printed personal information is shredded or incinerated.
8. Measures to Ensure the Safety of Personal Information
< Trabic> takes the following measures to ensure the safety of personal information:
- Regular internal audits.
- Minimization and training of personal information handling staff.
- Implementation of internal management plans.
- Technical measures to prevent hacking.
- Encryption of personal information.
- Retention and prevention of alteration of access records.
- Restriction of access to personal information.
- Use of lock devices for document security.
- Physical access control to personal information storage areas.
9. Installation, Operation, and Rejection of Automatic Personal Information Collection Devices
< Trabic> may use cookies to provide personalized services to users. Users have the right to refuse the installation of cookies through browser settings.
10. Personal Information Protection Officer
- Name: Seungwoo Oh
- Position: Manager
- Contact: service@trabic.kr
11. Request for Access to Personal Information
Data subjects can request access to their personal information under Article 35 of the Personal Information Protection Act through the Personal Information Protection Officer.
12. Remedies for Infringement of Rights
Data subjects may seek dispute resolution or counseling from the following agencies if their personal information is infringed:
- Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee: (+82) 1833-6972 (www.kopico.go.kr)
- Personal Information Infringement Report Center: (+82) 118 (privacy.kisa.or.kr)
- Supreme Prosecutors’ Office: (+82) 1301 (www.spo.go.kr)
- National Police Agency: (+82) 182 (cyberbureau.police.go.kr)
13. Changes to the Privacy Policy
① This privacy policy applies from April 1, 2021.
② In the event of additions, deletions, or modifications due to legal or security changes, such changes will be notified at least 7 days prior to their implementation through the notice section of the website.
TRABIC Comprehensive Language Solutions

Media & Publishing Service
Contact Us
Address (주소):
Unit 1158-1, 11F, 117, Namdaemun-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Dadong, Dong-A Building)
서울특별시 중구 남대문로 117, 11층 1158-1호(다동, 동아빌딩)
Contact Number (연락처): +82 2 2652 2645
+82 10 5805 5505 (Whatsapp)
Email (이메일): service@trabic.kr