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We’ve collected our answers to the most common questions about translation and interpreting services. In our translation services faq, you will find information about schedules, rates, our process, and more.

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Q&A Section for Translation Services

Prices are based on the length, difficulty, required expertise, and the turnaround time of the document. An accurate estimate is provided after an initial analysis of the document.

We offer document translation services in various languages, including Korean, English, Arabic, and French. If you have a specific language request, please contact us for further information.

Yes, we can accommodate urgent translation requests. Additional fees may apply for expedited services, but we always strive to deliver high-quality translations as quickly as possible.

All translation projects are conducted under strict confidentiality policies. Translators sign a non-disclosure agreement, ensuring that your information and documents are kept secure throughout the process.

If additional modifications are required after delivery, we offer free revision services based on your feedback. Specific revision policies may vary according to the service agreement.

Absolutely, our offerings extend far beyond just document translation. In addition to translating a wide array of documents, we provide comprehensive language solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of our clients. This includes website translation and localization services, ensuring your online presence is accessible and resonant with international audiences. We also specialize in video subtitle translation, making your multimedia content globally understandable and engaging.


Our desktop publishing (DTP) services ensure that your translated documents are not only accurate but also beautifully formatted and ready for publication. Furthermore, we offer book publishing services, assisting authors and publishers in bringing their works to a global audience in multiple languages.


An essential part of our extended services includes the legalization of translated documents. We can notarize translations and facilitate the process of obtaining certifications from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea, as well as Apostille certifications, making your documents valid for international use.


Whether you need additional translation-related services or require support in preparing your translated documents for global recognition, please do not hesitate to inquire. Our goal is to be your comprehensive language service provider, catering to all your linguistic and localization needs.

Documents can be submitted via email (, chat services like WhatsApp or Instagram, or direct upload on our website. Choose the most convenient method for you.

The translated documents will be formatted according to your specified requirements. We support various file formats such as Word, PDF, PowerPoint, and can accommodate special formatting requests.

You can monitor the real-time progress of your project through our project management system. Additionally, your dedicated project manager will provide regular updates to keep you informed of the latest status.

We translate a wide range of video types, including corporate training videos, educational content, feature films, documentaries, and promotional materials. Our services are tailored to meet the needs of various sectors, ensuring your video reaches its intended audience effectively.

The timeline varies based on the length of the video, complexity of the content, and the services required (such as subtitling or dubbing). On average, a simple subtitling project can take from a few days to a week.

Yes, we offer multilingual translation services. You can request translations in multiple languages for the same video, and we will coordinate the project to ensure consistency and high quality across all languages.

Absolutely. We have a network of translators who specialize in various fields, ensuring that technical terms and industry jargon are correctly translated and appropriately used within your video’s context.

We accept most major video formats, including MP4, AVI, MOV, and MKV. If your video is in a format not listed, please contact us to discuss possible conversion and compatibility.

We employ a rigorous quality assurance process that includes translation by native speakers, editing, proofreading, and final reviews to ensure accuracy and cultural appropriateness. We also adhere to established LQA standards and offer unlimited revisions if the translation does not meet your expectations.

Our pricing is based on the video length, complexity of the content, required turnaround time, and specific services like subtitling or dubbing. We provide a detailed quote after evaluating your video content and requirements. If you provide an SRT file or need time coding, these factors will also be considered in the pricing.

Q&A Section for Interpretation Services

Our company’s advantage lies in procuring the best interpreters whose skills have been verified. Judging an interpreter’s qualifications based on their resume is the primary step. Besides, we also have experts who actually understand the language visit the interpreting site in person for a cross-verification of skills. We adhere to the most fundamental yet reliable interpreting services.

To successfully conduct an interpreting event, it is essential to secure an interpreter at least two months in advance. Skilled interpreters often cannot provide services if not booked in advance. Importantly, providing reference materials to the interpreter ahead of the event is crucial. Providing documents, especially in technical or legal terminologies, can significantly improve the quality of interpretation.

For events requiring equipment, we use infrared equipment instead of the older FM equipment, which only allows listening at a designated location. Additionally, we send technicians from companies we have a partnership with to the site to deliver high-quality interpreting services.

The cost of interpretation is determined by the scale and nature of the event, as well as the level of the interpreters. We provide detailed consultation to guide you on the optimal form of interpretation and the costs involved.

The cancellation policy is as follows: “4-5 Days in Advance: A cancellation fee of 20% of the total service cost will be charged. 2-3 Days in Advance: A fee of 30% will be applied. Day Before the Event: The fee increases to between 30% and 50%. Same-Day Cancellation: If cancellation occurs on the day of the event, a fee of 50% to 100% will be charged, depending on the time of cancellation.”

All our interpreters sign an interpreting contract that includes NDA provisions. Additionally, please be aware that before submitting confidential documents for interpretation reference, an interpreting contract containing NDA provisions is executed.

Our desktop publishing (DTP) services ensure that your translated documents are not only accurate but also beautifully formatted and ready for publication. Furthermore, we offer book publishing services, assisting authors and publishers in bringing their works to a global audience in multiple languages.

An essential part of our extended services includes the legalization of translated documents. We can notarize translations and facilitate the process of obtaining certifications from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea, as well as Apostille certifications, making your documents valid for international use.

Whether you need additional translation-related services or require support in preparing your translated documents for global recognition, please do not hesitate to inquire. Our goal is to be your comprehensive language service provider, catering to all your linguistic and localization needs.

It is possible to communicate directly with the interpreter during the event. However, due to regulations agreed upon with our company, interpreters cannot exchange contact information or engage personally with clients seeking interpreting services. If you need to communicate with the interpreter, please contact our company.

We offer simultaneous interpretation for real-time communication during large conferences and consecutive interpretation for smaller meetings or legal settings where the interpreter translates after the speaker finishes.

Simultaneous interpretation is ideal for large conferences or events where information needs to be relayed in real-time to the audience.

Consecutive interpretation is best suited for smaller meetings, press conferences, or legal settings where the interpreter translates after the speaker has finished speaking.

Whispering interpretation is a form of simultaneous interpretation for one or two people sitting close to the interpreter, providing real-time translation in a low voice.

Yes, we provide business interpretation for meetings, negotiations, or any corporate environment requiring professional bilingual communication.

Telephone interpretation is used when parties are not in the same location and need immediate or scheduled interpretation over the phone.

Video interpretation includes a visual component, making it useful for remote interpretation where body language is an important part of the message.

Medical interpretation is crucial in healthcare settings to ensure accurate communication between healthcare providers and patients, often requiring specialized knowledge of medical terminology.

We offer custom consultations to determine the best service type for your event. This includes considering the event specifics, audience, and unique requirements to provide a tailored cost estimate.

Costs vary based on the event’s size, duration, complexity, and specific language pairs required. We provide customized quotes after a detailed consultation to offer a competitive and fair price.

Simultaneous interpretation is a real-time translation process used in conferences, meetings, and events where participants speak different languages. It’s ideal for scenarios requiring immediate understanding across languages without interrupting the flow of the event.

Unlike consecutive or whispered interpretation, simultaneous interpretation occurs in real-time, with interpreters translating speakers’ words into another language instantly, usually through headsets for the audience.

The process requires specialized equipment such as sound-proof booths, headsets for the audience, and microphones for both the speakers and interpreters to ensure clear, uninterrupted translation.

Selecting interpreters with expertise in the specific subject matter of your event and fluency in the required languages is crucial. Professional interpreters with experience in similar events are preferred.

Typically, two interpreters are needed to manage the workload and maintain interpretation quality, with the possibility of involving up to three interpreters depending on the event’s duration and complexity.

Consecutive interpretation is ideal for smaller meetings, press conferences, legal settings, and interviews where the interpreter translates after the speaker has finished speaking, allowing for more detailed and accurate translation.

In consecutive interpretation, the speaker pauses after a few sentences or a complete thought, allowing the interpreter to convey the message to the audience in the target language. This method ensures precise and thorough interpretation.

Consecutive interpretation allows for greater accuracy and detail as interpreters have more time to convey the speaker’s message. It is also easier to manage without the need for specialized equipment, making it suitable for more intimate and controlled settings.

Consecutive interpretation is best suited for events such as business meetings, legal proceedings, medical consultations, training sessions, and interviews where detailed and precise communication is essential.

Speakers should pause regularly to allow the interpreter time to translate their statements accurately. Speaking in clear, concise sentences and avoiding overly complex language or jargon can also help ensure effective communication.

Whispering interpretation, or chuchotage, is a form of simultaneous interpretation where the interpreter sits or stands close to the listener and whispers the translation directly into their ear. This method allows real-time translation without interrupting the speaker, making it ideal for small groups or individual participants who need immediate interpretation.

Whispering interpretation is most effective in small, intimate settings such as business meetings, negotiations, diplomatic discussions, and healthcare consultations. It allows for seamless communication without the need for extensive equipment, ensuring that critical information is accurately conveyed in real-time.

The primary advantages of whispering interpretation include its unobtrusive nature, minimal equipment requirements, and the ability to provide immediate and accurate translation. This method ensures that participants receive real-time interpretation without disrupting the flow of the event or conversation.

An interpreter performing chuchotage must have exceptional linguistic skills, the ability to interpret in real-time, and a deep understanding of cultural nuances and idiomatic expressions. Additionally, they must be adept at non-verbal communication cues to ensure accurate and contextually appropriate translation.

While whispering interpretation is highly effective for small groups, it may not be suitable for larger audiences due to its intimate nature. Additionally, the interpreter must maintain a high level of concentration and stamina, as this method can be demanding. Ensuring that the listener can hear the interpreter clearly without disrupting others in the room can also be a challenge.

Business interpretation for small-scale enterprises is a tailored communication service designed to bridge language gaps in intimate business settings, typically accommodating 5 to 6 participants. Unlike traditional simultaneous or consecutive interpretation, this service is more cost-effective and less cumbersome, making it ideal for smaller meetings and negotiations.

Selecting the right interpretation service is crucial because it ensures effective communication with international counterparts. The choice should be based on market specifics, target audience, and the complexity of the product or service. For example, tech startups may need interpreters specialized in technical terminology to accurately convey complex ideas.

Interpreters play a pivotal role in bridging cultural divides by being not only linguistically proficient but also culturally knowledgeable. They help prevent misunderstandings and foster successful negotiations by navigating the subtleties of cross-cultural interactions, ensuring that both language and cultural nuances are accurately communicated.

Small businesses should consider factors such as the cost versus benefit of different interpretation options (e.g., simultaneous, consecutive, remote interpretation), the specific needs of their market engagement, and budget constraints. Analyzing these factors helps in identifying strategies that offer maximum value and effective resource allocation for global market expansion.

Business interpretation services can significantly enhance international market engagement by ensuring clear and effective communication with foreign partners. For instance, a small tech startup entering the Japanese market might use business interpreters specialized in technical jargon to accurately present their product features, facilitating better understanding and fostering strong business relationships.

Tourist interpretation services help travelers overcome language barriers by providing real-time translation and cultural context. These services enable travelers to engage more deeply with local cultures, navigate foreign lands with ease, and ensure a fulfilling travel experience by facilitating smoother interactions, whether it’s ordering food, understanding local customs, or exploring historical sites.

Tourist interpretation services shine in various real-life scenarios such as navigating local markets, understanding tours of historical sites, and engaging with local communities. These services help travelers fully appreciate the destination’s culture and heritage, ensuring they don’t miss out on important experiences due to language barriers.

Unlike traditional interpretation, tourist interpretation demands versatility and spontaneity. Interpreters for tourists act as cultural ambassadors, ready to adapt to the fluid situations of travel. They provide contextualized communication that enhances the travel experience by fostering genuine connections with the local culture, rather than just translating words.

When selecting a tourist interpreter, consider their linguistic proficiency, cultural knowledge, and experience with travel-related scenarios. An ideal interpreter should be able to navigate the nuances of tourist interactions effectively. Our interpreters are carefully chosen to ensure they can make your journey smoother and more enjoyable by providing both language and cultural guidance.

While we do not directly offer tourism services, we collaborate with local tour operators to complement their offerings with our interpretation support. This synergy ensures that travelers receive comprehensive linguistic and cultural assistance, enhancing their overall travel experience and making their journey memorable.

Telephone interpretation is a service that enables communication between parties speaking different languages over the phone. It involves a three-way call where the interpreter listens to the speaker in the source language and translates the message into the target language in real-time, ensuring both parties understand each other accurately.

The benefits of telephone interpretation include instant access to interpreters in many languages, cost-effectiveness due to the absence of travel expenses, flexibility in various settings such as medical, legal, business, and customer service, strict adherence to confidentiality, and the interpreter’s ability to navigate cultural nuances, enhancing overall communication quality.

Telephone interpretation is useful in healthcare for patient consultations and emergencies, in the legal field for client interviews and witness testimonies, in business for negotiations and customer support, and in public services to help non-English speakers access essential government services and resources.

To access telephone interpretation services, you initiate a call to the service provider through a dedicated toll-free number, specify the languages needed and the call context, get connected with a professional interpreter, and then engage in conversation with real-time translation facilitated by the interpreter.

When choosing a telephone interpretation service provider, consider the breadth of language coverage, the qualifications and certifications of interpreters, 24/7 availability for handling urgent needs, and the level of customer support to ensure prompt assistance for any technical issues or special requests.

Video interpretation is a service that uses video conferencing technology to facilitate real-time communication between parties speaking different languages. It combines traditional interpretation with modern technology, allowing interpreters to translate spoken language while also conveying visual cues through platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Skype. This service enables effective communication in various settings without the need for physical presence.

The key benefits of video interpretation services include real-time translation, enhanced visual context, and accessibility. It ensures clear and concise communication across different languages, facilitates understanding through visual cues, and provides immediate language support, making it ideal for multinational conferences, medical consultations, legal proceedings, and educational webinars.

Video interpretation is particularly useful in multinational conferences for inclusive participation, medical consultations for accurate patient care, legal proceedings for precise interpretation of legal jargon, and educational webinars to ensure equal access to learning for students from diverse linguistic backgrounds. It bridges communication gaps effectively in situations where in-person interpretation isn’t feasible.

Setting up video interpretation services requires a stable internet connection for smooth transmission, quality audio equipment like professional microphones and headphones for clear sound, and appropriate lighting and background to facilitate visibility and non-verbal communication cues. Utilizing platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Cisco Webex, and Interprefy ensures a seamless integration into existing communication channels.

When choosing a video interpretation platform, consider factors like the specific features needed (e.g., simultaneous interpretation channels on Zoom), the size and nature of your meetings (Microsoft Teams for versatile professional settings), security and reliability (Cisco Webex), and specialized remote interpretation support (Interprefy). Select a platform that best aligns with your event requirements and ensures a smooth interpretation experience for all participants.

Medical interpretation plays a crucial role in healthcare settings by facilitating clear communication between non-Korean speaking patients and medical professionals. It ensures that medical terminologies, patient concerns, and treatment plans are conveyed accurately and sensitively, thereby enhancing the quality of patient care and ensuring that language barriers do not compromise medical outcomes.

The predominant type of medical interpretation service in South Korea is on-site interpretation, which provides immediate, face-to-face communication between patients and healthcare providers. This service is particularly beneficial in complex medical scenarios that require high accuracy and emotional sensitivity. On-site interpreters are typically trained professionals with specialized knowledge in medical terminology and the nuances of medical dialogue.

Professional medical interpreters offer several advantages, including ensuring patient safety, improving healthcare outcomes, and complying with legal mandates for language access. They possess a deep understanding of medical terminology, cultural nuances, and the ethical considerations of the healthcare industry, which significantly reduces misunderstandings and enhances patient satisfaction and care.

Healthcare facilities should prioritize interpreters with formal training in medical interpretation, a comprehensive understanding of medical terminology, and familiarity with the Korean healthcare culture. It is also important to choose services that have extensive experience in the medical sector and offer a wide range of languages to meet the diverse needs of patients.

Medical interpretation is crucial for international patients in South Korea because it bridges language gaps, ensuring they receive accurate and empathetic medical care. As South Korea attracts an increasing number of international patients, professional medical interpretation helps in delivering clear and precise information about diagnoses, treatment options, and medical instructions, thereby improving overall patient outcomes and satisfaction.

Q&A Section for Media & Publishing Services

Our DTP services cover a wide range of document types, including brochures, catalogs, user manuals, reports, presentations, and web content. Whether it’s print or digital, we can customize the design and layout to suit your needs.

We use Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) tools and maintain a glossary of approved terms to ensure linguistic consistency. Our DTP specialists work closely with translators to adapt the layout to each language’s structure, preserving the intended meaning and design.

Yes, our team is highly experienced in working with right-to-left (RTL) languages like Arabic. We ensure that the entire layout, including diagrams, tables, images, and other visual content, is comprehensively reorganized to align with the reading direction and language structure. This includes:

  • Text Alignment: All text blocks, headings, and paragraphs are adjusted to read from right to left, while ensuring logical flow and consistency.
  • Diagrams and Tables: Charts, tables, and diagrams are mirrored or reoriented to follow the correct sequence for RTL languages.
  • Images and Graphics: Images and other visual content are repositioned to suit the RTL layout and cultural context.

By adapting every element of the design, we guarantee that your message is clear, accurate, and presented in a manner that resonates with the target audience.

We prioritize client confidentiality with strict data security measures. All documents are handled by authorized personnel only, and we can sign NDAs (Non-Disclosure Agreements) upon request to ensure that your sensitive information remains secure.

The duration of a DTP project depends on several factors, such as the complexity of the design, the number of pages, and the number of languages involved. After understanding your specific requirements, we provide a detailed timeline and keep you informed of progress throughout the project to ensure deadlines are met.

Unfortunately, once a project has begun, updates or revisions to the content are not possible. We encourage our clients to finalize their content before the DTP process starts to ensure a smooth workflow and prevent delays.

Absolutely. While we specialize in integrating translation with DTP, we are happy to work with documents translated elsewhere. We’ll carefully assess the translated content to ensure it is accurately formatted and visually consistent with your brand guidelines, providing feedback or suggestions where necessary.

No, our DTP services are billed separately from our translation services. While we strive to ensure seamless integration between translation and DTP, tasks such as verifying the correct application of translated content on websites fall under the domain of DTP and thus incur a charge. This ensures that every aspect of your content meets high-quality standards and is effectively tailored to your specific needs.

We assemble a specialized team of designers who are native speakers of the target languages. They collaborate to ensure each language is accurately represented visually, with layouts adjusted for readability and consistency.

Absolutely. We ensure all designs align with your existing branding guidelines, including specific color palettes, fonts, and logo usage. We adapt our designs to meet any specific client requirements.

Our translation and DTP teams work together to integrate translated texts into designs while maintaining linguistic accuracy. We conduct thorough reviews to ensure the translation remains true to the original content.

We create flexible designs that can adapt to different media. Our team optimizes resolution, color profiles, and layout structures for each format, ensuring seamless quality across digital and print versions.

Yes, we have the capacity to scale up based on client needs. Our teams are equipped to handle complex, high-volume projects while maintaining quality and consistency.

Yes, we guide clients through the ISBN issuance process, ensuring that your publication meets all requirements for cataloging and distribution.

Our localization team provides insights into culturally relevant imagery, symbols, and design elements. We customize the visual design to resonate with the cultural expectations of your target audience.

We conduct multi-layered quality checks, including proofing, layout inspection, and technical assessments. Final reviews are performed by senior QA managers to guarantee a flawless product.

Q&A Section for Notary Services

Notarial deed certification is the process by which a notary public documents legal acts or facts concerning private rights at the request of the parties involved.

Private document certification is required when it’s necessary to prove that the signature or seal on a personal document was indeed made by the document’s creator.

Notarial deeds formally certify legal actions, while private document certification verifies the authenticity of signatures or seals on personal documents.

To receive notarial deed certification, parties or related individuals must request the notary to document a legal act or fact, fulfilling related legal criteria.

In the process of private document certification, the requester signs or seals the document in front of a notary public, who then verifies this act and issues a certificate.

A notarial deed having executory force means it can be used to initiate enforcement actions directly without needing a court judgment.

The requirements for private document certification vary depending on the type of certification. For detailed information, please refer to our private document certification page.

The fees can vary based on the contract amount or the type of certification, so please contact our office for specific information.

No, our company does not directly handle the creation of notarial deeds; instead, we act as intermediaries to notary offices. In this process, we provide necessary preparations, documentation, and translation or interpretation services only.

No, notarial deeds can only be drafted by legally recognized notaries. Our company assists you in easily accessing a notary for this purpose.

It’s required when seeking to secure execution power or to meet specific legal requirements, such as in voluntary guardianship agreements, self-trust arrangements, compliance with building union regulations, and local tax law.

The required documents can vary depending on the type of notarial deed and the legal act involved. Generally, an ID and the original contract or agreement documents are needed.

If your documents are in a foreign language or if interpretation is needed during the notarization process, we offer professional translation and interpretation services to ensure accuracy and smooth proceedings.

Costs can vary by notary office and depend on the complexity and type of notarial deed. We provide information and support to help you make the best choice.

Notarial deeds regarding certain financial obligations, real estate transfer contracts, and where the debtor consents to enforcement, have direct enforceability, allowing for immediate compulsory execution without a court order.

Once drafted, the notary keeps the original, and you will be provided with a certified copy. This can be used for compulsory execution or other legal actions if necessary.

Accuracy and completeness of all information and documents are crucial, as inaccuracies can lead to significant legal consequences. It’s advisable to seek legal advice before proceeding.

The suitable certification method depends on the document’s purpose. For detailed guidance, please contact our customer service.

Documents issued by foreign countries can be notarized for translation. Note, however, that apostille service may not be available.

Both original and copies are acceptable for translation certification . Typically, original documents are preferred for the following reasons:

1. Certification is usually sought for apostille or consular verification.

2. If a copy is used for translation certification and apostille or consular verification is needed, the original document may require separate certification.

These are Korean government-issued documents verifying the authenticity of a seal or signature. Foreign nationals registered in Korea can obtain these certificates.

– Physical Seal: Signature verification certificates do not require a physical seal, unlike seal certificates.
– Nationwide Issuance: They can be issued anywhere in the country with just an ID, without the need for prior seal registration.
– Delegation: Signature verification certificates cannot be issued by a proxy, adding a layer of security against unauthorized issuance.
– Specific Use Cases: These certificates have specifically defined use cases, offering more secure transactions compared to the more general application of seal certificates.

Cost varies depending on the type and volume of documents. Please inquire at our office for an accurate quote.

Certified documents can be submitted to Korean authorities officially or used abroad after obtaining apostille or consular verification.

Yes, you can. Send us the necessary documents, and we’ll handle the certification request on your behalf. Required documents vary by the type of certification.

The process typically takes one day, provided all necessary documents are ready.

Q&A Section for Apostille & Legalization

An Apostille is a form of authentication issued to documents for use in countries that participate in the Hague Convention of 1961. It certifies the authenticity of the signature and seal of the document. You’ll need an Apostille when a foreign government or entity has requested you provide a document that is recognized as legally valid in their country.


Whether a document requires an Apostille or a different form of authentication depends on the country where the document will be used. If the country is a member of the Hague Apostille Convention, you’ll need an Apostille. For countries not part of the Convention, a different form of authentication, such as consular legalization, may be necessary.


Not all documents can be apostilled. The document must be a public document as defined by the Hague Convention. It should have been issued by an official body or authority and bear the official seal and signature. Common apostilled documents include birth certificates, court documents, and company records.


No, documents issued abroad cannot receive an Apostille in South Korea. For instance, a diploma issued in Australia would need to be apostilled by the relevant authority in Australia. Also, documents issued abroad and then translated and notarized cannot be apostilled in South Korea.


A Personal Information Consent Form is a document required by the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Ministry of Justice when applying for an Apostille. It authorizes the use of your personal information for the purpose of processing the Apostille. Our agency can provide you with this form when you request our services.


Documents requiring notarization are apostilled by the Ministry of Justice, while other documents are apostilled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Translated documents, being notarized translations, would be apostilled by the Ministry of Justice.


The process typically takes 3 business days, although it may vary based on additional document requests or the circumstances of the responsible agency.


Expedited services may be available for an additional fee, and the cost can vary depending on the type of document and the urgency. Please contact the issuing authority for specific details.


For Apostille certification in South Korea, it is generally necessary to submit the original documents. When presenting South Korean-issued documents overseas, the process typically involves two steps of certification:

Firstly, the original document receives Apostille certification to validate its authenticity. Following that, if the document is to be used in a non-Korean speaking country, it usually requires a certified translation. The translated document must then be notarized and subsequently receive its own Apostille certification. This dual certification – one for the original document and one for the notarized translation – ensures that the document is legally recognized and accepted in the foreign jurisdiction.

However, there are exceptions depending on the country or institution’s requirements. Some countries or institutions may accept a notarized translation that includes the original document within it. Once Apostilled, this inclusive document can be sufficient for their needs. It is crucial to verify with the specific country or institution whether they require both the original and the translated document to be separately apostilled or if a combined apostilled document will suffice.

In summary, while the fundamental requirement is for original documents to undergo the Apostille process, accommodations are sometimes made for certified translations depending on the receiving authority’s regulations. It is advisable to always check the exact requirements of the destination country or receiving authority to ensure compliance with their legal standards.
  1. If your document with an Apostille is lost or damaged, you will need to obtain a new original document and apply for a new Apostille. The process is the same as applying for the first time.


 Document legalization is the process of certifying the authenticity of a document so that it can be officially recognized in another country. This involves verifying the signature and seal on the document by a recognized authority, usually for use in countries not part of the Apostille Convention.

Your document needs legalization if it is to be used in a country that does not recognize the Apostille Convention. Typically, foreign governments require legalized documents to ensure they are valid and authentic.


Common documents that require legalization include birth certificates, marriage certificates, educational diplomas, legal agreements, business contracts, and official government documents.

The process usually takes about 4 business days, but it can vary depending on the specific requirements of the document and the workload of the issuing authority. Expedited services may be available for an additional fee.

Documents are typically submitted to the embassy or consulate of the country where the document will be used, or to a designated government office such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It’s essential to verify the exact submission location and process as it can differ based on the destination country’s regulations.

Consular legalization is the process by which official documents are authenticated by the respective embassy or consulate to be legally recognized in the destination country. It’s required for documents to be considered valid in countries not part of the Hague Apostille Convention.

Typically, legal, educational, personal, and commercial documents such as diplomas, marriage certificates, business contracts, and legal affidavits can be legalized.

The processing time varies depending on the embassy’s workload, the type of document, and specific country requirements. It can range from a few days to several weeks.

Consular legalization is a multi-step verification process required for countries not part of the Hague Apostille Convention, whereas an Apostille is a simplified certification recognized among the member countries of the convention.


Yes, most documents require notarization before they can undergo consular legalization, as it verifies the authenticity of the document for the embassy.

Yes, our agency provides tracking options so you can monitor the progress of your document legalization.