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Understanding the interpretation process is crucial for businesses and individuals seeking effective communication across languages. At Trabic, we specialize in delivering professional interpretation services tailored to your specific needs. Our comprehensive process ensures clarity and accuracy, making us the preferred choice for your interpretation requirements.

Discover our step-by-step process for professional interpretation services, tailored to your event’s specific needs. From initial consultation to post-event review, we ensure clear communication and meticulous organization. Connect with us for personalized service excellence.

Our network of professional translators brings in-depth expertise in each language and specialty area. We pride ourselves on offering competitively priced, customized services that meet the unique needs of each client. Should you require document translation, do not hesitate to contact us and discover a translation solution that excels in quality, technology, and speed.

Why Choose Trabic for Your Interpretation Needs

  • Professional Expertise: Our interpreters are highly skilled and experienced in various fields, ensuring accurate and contextually appropriate interpretations.
  • Confidentiality Guaranteed: We prioritize the confidentiality of your information and adhere to strict privacy protocols.
  • Fast and Reliable Service: Our efficient process allows for timely and reliable interpretation services without compromising quality.
  • Affordable Pricing: We offer competitive pricing tailored to your specific needs, whether you require standard or premium services.

Comprehensive interpretation Process

Request and Consultation

Confirm client's requirements including date, languages, location, subject, number of participants, interpretation type, content, and equipment rental. Recommend the best-fit interpretation services.

Contact us at
Phone: +82 2-2652-2645
Fax: 0505-776-7776

Quotation and Contract

Based on the client's needs, pre-select interpreters and send their profiles with the quote. Upon agreement, send a draft contract.

Payment and Contracting

Explore flexible payment options, including advance or installment plans. Each interpretation assignment mandates the drafting of a contract to ensure professionalism and clarity. Post-payment, a tax invoice is issued, and while direct interpreter contact is available, liaising through our company is advised for streamlined communication.


Supply interpreters with as much event-related material as possible in advance to ensure understanding and preparation for the specialized terms and overall event goals. Materials should be provided at least 2-3 days before the event, especially for complex or specialized fields or events with a large audience.

Interpretation Execution

Interpreters will adhere to the pre-agreed location and time, perform interpretation as scheduled, and manage equipment setup and technical staff dispatch if rental is involved. Note that overtime rates apply if the service exceeds the estimated time.

Post-Interpretation Review

After the event, review the proceedings and post-event tasks with the client and interpreter, finalize documentation, and conclude the interpretation service.

Interpretation Processes Q&A: Navigating Your Concerns

Our company’s advantage lies in procuring the best interpreters whose skills have been verified. Judging an interpreter’s qualifications based on their resume is the primary step. Besides, we also have experts who actually understand the language visit the interpreting site in person for a cross-verification of skills. We adhere to the most fundamental yet reliable interpreting services.

To successfully conduct an interpreting event, it is essential to secure an interpreter at least two months in advance. Skilled interpreters often cannot provide services if not booked in advance. Importantly, providing reference materials to the interpreter ahead of the event is crucial. Providing documents, especially in technical or legal terminologies, can significantly improve the quality of interpretation.

For events requiring equipment, we use infrared equipment instead of the older FM equipment, which only allows listening at a designated location. Additionally, we send technicians from companies we have a partnership with to the site to deliver high-quality interpreting services.

The cost of interpretation is determined by the scale and nature of the event, as well as the level of the interpreters. We provide detailed consultation to guide you on the optimal form of interpretation and the costs involved.

The cancellation policy is as follows: “4-5 Days in Advance: A cancellation fee of 20% of the total service cost will be charged. 2-3 Days in Advance: A fee of 30% will be applied. Day Before the Event: The fee increases to between 30% and 50%. Same-Day Cancellation: If cancellation occurs on the day of the event, a fee of 50% to 100% will be charged, depending on the time of cancellation.”

All our interpreters sign an interpreting contract that includes NDA provisions. Additionally, please be aware that before submitting confidential documents for interpretation reference, an interpreting contract containing NDA provisions is executed.

Our desktop publishing (DTP) services ensure that your translated documents are not only accurate but also beautifully formatted and ready for publication. Furthermore, we offer book publishing services, assisting authors and publishers in bringing their works to a global audience in multiple languages.

An essential part of our extended services includes the legalization of translated documents. We can notarize translations and facilitate the process of obtaining certifications from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea, as well as Apostille certifications, making your documents valid for international use.

Whether you need additional translation-related services or require support in preparing your translated documents for global recognition, please do not hesitate to inquire. Our goal is to be your comprehensive language service provider, catering to all your linguistic and localization needs.

It is possible to communicate directly with the interpreter during the event. However, due to regulations agreed upon with our company, interpreters cannot exchange contact information or engage personally with clients seeking interpreting services. If you need to communicate with the interpreter, please contact our company.