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Notarial deeds are legal documents drafted by a notary public at the request of parties involved or related persons. These documents serve as strong evidence in civil and criminal litigation, treated as public documents under the law. Notably, notarial deed often possess execution power, meaning they can directly enforce compulsory execution without a court ruling. This feature is pivotal for ensuring the swift and efficient settlement of obligations.

Execution Power of Notarial Deeds

Execution power refers to the document’s capacity to serve as an execution title, allowing direct enforcement actions based on its content. Certain notarial deeds recognized for their execution power include:

Promissory Note Notarial Deed

Ensures a structured format for monetary promises, simplifying enforcement processes.

Property Delivery Agreement Notarial Deed

Pertains to agreements on transferring property ownership, including land, buildings, and movable assets.

Notarial Deeds with Payment Obligations:

Documents acknowledging debts or obligations where the debtor consents to enforcement, making external judgment unnecessary.

These documents must detail the obligation’s specifics, including the nature of the debt, payment terms, and amounts, ensuring clarity and enforceability.

Necessity and Benefits

Opting for a notarial deed offers enhanced reliability and reduces dispute potential through clear evidence of agreement terms, allows for direct enforceability without the need for a separate court order, simplifies proof of claim in enforcement or bankruptcy proceedings, and facilitates early enforcement actions like provisional attachment due to the document’s clear obligation outline.

Private document certification involves the notary public confirming that the signature or seal on a private document has been affixed by the document’s creator. This process essentially certifies the authenticity of the document, enhancing its reliability and serving as potential evidence in legal disputes. However, private document certifications do not carry executory force.


The following examples illustrate the forms that notarial deeds may take:

These notarial deeds are capable of being enforced and hold substantial evidentiary weight. As execution titles, they provide creditors with the right to demand enforcement without a court judgment.

Notary Public's Role in Documentation

A notary public not only certifies documents prepared by parties but also actively participates in drafting deeds based on client consultations. This involvement ensures that legal documentation like loan agreements, property transfers, and contractual obligations are accurately reflected and legally sound.

Through the creation of notarial deeds, parties can achieve a high degree of legal certainty and enforceability for their agreements. Notarial deeds stand as a testament to the parties’ intentions, backed by the legal authority and recognition of the notary’s office, providing a reliable foundation for both immediate and future legal actions.

Why Choose Our Notarial Deeds Services?

Trabic’s notarial deeds services stand out due to our extensive experience and commitment to accuracy and professionalism. Our team ensures that your documents meet all legal standards and are recognized for their authenticity and reliability.

Comprehensive Support and Competitive Pricing

Trabic offers comprehensive support from the initial consultation to the final certification of your documents. Our team is dedicated to ensuring your satisfaction with every aspect of our service. We also provide competitive pricing without compromising on quality, making our services accessible to individuals and businesses alike.

For a personalized quote or more details, visit our Get a Quote page.

Comprehensive Support and Competitive Pricing

Expand your knowledge on Korean notary public certification with these valuable resources:

These resources will help you understand the key aspects of notary public certification and the legal framework surrounding it in Korea.

A Comprehensive Q&A Guide - Notarial Deeds

No, our company does not directly handle the creation of notarial deeds; instead, we act as intermediaries to notary offices. In this process, we provide necessary preparations, documentation, and translation or interpretation services only.

No, notarial deeds can only be drafted by legally recognized notaries. Our company assists you in easily accessing a notary for this purpose.

It’s required when seeking to secure execution power or to meet specific legal requirements, such as in voluntary guardianship agreements, self-trust arrangements, compliance with building union regulations, and local tax law.

The required documents can vary depending on the type of notarial deed and the legal act involved. Generally, an ID and the original contract or agreement documents are needed.

If your documents are in a foreign language or if interpretation is needed during the notarization process, we offer professional translation and interpretation services to ensure accuracy and smooth proceedings.

Costs can vary by notary office and depend on the complexity and type of notarial deed. We provide information and support to help you make the best choice.

Notarial deeds regarding certain financial obligations, real estate transfer contracts, and where the debtor consents to enforcement, have direct enforceability, allowing for immediate compulsory execution without a court order.

Once drafted, the notary keeps the original, and you will be provided with a certified copy. This can be used for compulsory execution or other legal actions if necessary.

Accuracy and completeness of all information and documents are crucial, as inaccuracies can lead to significant legal consequences. It’s advisable to seek legal advice before proceeding.